- Anyone wishing to obtain Scottish Personal Licence Refresher Training
- Licencing law
- Premises licences
- Protection of children
- Responsible alcohol retailing
Scottish Personal Licence Refresher Course (SCPLH-R)
Scottish law requires a personal licence holder to do a refresher training course within five years of having received the licence, or else their licence gets revoked. The refresher is a ½ day course with an online accredited examination sat at the end with Highfield. Successful completion of this examination leads to the issuance of the Highfield Level 6 Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) certificate. The course needs to be completed before the 5 year deadline comes to an end, and the accredited certificate must be submitted to the relevant licensing authority at least 3 months before the end of the 5 year period. This course can also be used as a refresher.
Licencing councils send out a notification to all personal licence holders 3 months prior to the 5 year deadline, but if you do not receive the reminder, you are not excused from the refresher course requirement. Therefore, it is important that you update the licencing board about any address change within one month of moving. If you want to find out when your personal licence is going to expire, visit and use their online calculator to calculate the expiration date.
If your looking to complete the full Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders SCPLH and not the refresher training , take our Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (SCPLH) Course.
Did you know: There must be at least one personal licence holder in all the premises with a premises licence where one of their activities include the sale and supply of alcohol.
Ideal for designated premises supervisors and restaurant or bar owners.
SCPLH Refresher Training
Areas Covered
Licencing Law
Learn the history of licencing law, including the Licencing (Scotland)act 2005, the businesses it affects, the types of licences that are issued under it, the restrictions it imposes on the sale of alcohol, and how much fine can non-compliance cost.
Personal Licences
Learn about the nature and purpose of a personal licence, the application process for acquiring one, the duties of a personal licence holder, and the reasons for suspension or forfeiture of a personal licence.
Premises Licences
Learn when a premise licence is required, who can apply for it, what is the application process, and what are the mandatory conditions for it. Also learn the legal duties of a premises licence holder and the role of the designated premises supervisor.
Licenced Hours and Extensions
Learn what licenced hours are, how much time a customer is allowed to spend drinking, and under what circumstances these hours can change.
Control of Order and Police Powers
Learn how licencing law seeks to control order on and in the vicinity of licenced premises, what kind of power it gives to police to enforce it, what kind of penalties await offenders, and what legal actions can be taken by the police.
The Protection of Children and Young Persons
Learn how to verify age to prevent underage sales and about other age-restricted products.
Responsible Alcohol Retailing
In this topic, you will learn how alcohol strength is measured, what is meant by alcohol free and low alcohol, the effects of alcohol and sensible drinking advice, the duty to refuse the sale of alcohol to a drunk person, the consequences of allowing illegal drug use on licenced premises and what an irresponsible promotion is and the illegality of such promotions.
Associated Law
Learn what areas are covered by the law in regards to licenced premises, including the size and pricing of measures when dispensing alcoholic drinks, presence of SIA licenced door supervisors, smoking, gambling, music, etc.